15 Bedroom Office Ideas You’ll Fall In Love With

A home office in a bedroom can seem like a mix that may not work for some, as many prefer designated spaces for their work and feel they tire easily while in their room slash office, but it’s possible to make it work as long as you have a good idea on what needs to be done in the space.

Below are 15 bedroom office ideas that can work for any size bedroom and allow you to get creative with what space you have available, all the while keeping you productive and positive as well. 

15 Bedroom Office Ideas You’ll Fall In Love With

Use Bold Colors In Your Paint And Design 

The basic white or light grey colors aren’t very inspiring and can make you feel less inspired as you work in the room, as blues and greens are good choices for a calming and creative environment that allows you to focus.

You can use different shades of your chosen color to add a sense of tranquility to the room. 

What’s even better with this design choice is that you can pick out furniture and rugs that match the color palette you’re going for and can mark out where your office space starts.

You could use this as a foundation to try out different combinations and see what works best for you.  

Take Advantage Of Shelving

If your room has a lot of empty wall space, you can use shelving to move all your nick-knacks or pictures onto them instead of having them take up precious desk space, freeing you from these subtle distractions. 

You can always put up the ones you need and add more if you want to make the room more lived in, and you can place these near the relaxing area of your room if you find your attention is diverted to your shelves too often.

Splice Your Bedroom And Office 

This can be done by either using different colors for these sections of your room, or you could make a physical boundary like a piece of furniture or a divider, so you have your work and rest areas adequately defined. 

With your space clearly defined, you have more options in how you decorate your relaxing area of the room so it can incorporate aspects of your personality, or you can keep it simple, so if you have a lot of light coming through, you may have more options with what color scheme you decide to go with. 

Use Practical Furniture Pieces 

You want your office furniture to give you a good level of comfort, and while a nice swivel chair with a sturdy back is a good option, you also want practical pieces, as you might be someone who likes to sit in different positions depending on your mood.

Give yourself some options in this regard, but not too much as you don’t want to be spending half of your day switching types of seating, but as long as you’re sitting in an upright position, you can stay in work mode and could even use furniture that reflects your design scheme.

A Desk That Matches Your Needs

There are many options with your desk, as you could make your desk into a dressing table as a kind of hybrid space, but if you do this, ensure you don’t have too many items cluttering up your workspace. 

You can also keep this minimal or make your space more inviting by facing your desk to the window. Or you could use a floating desk, which can be just enough space for some people, and you could even use an adjustable desk so you can use it if you want to stand up. 

Use Lighter Colors

Ensure that you have some light coming through your window, and doing something as simple as leaving your door open slightly can help air out the room and give you a nicer feeling, especially during those summer months when the room can become quite stuffy.  

On the other hand, darker colors can absorb more light and make an excellent way to indicate a tone shift, so you know that more concentration is required in that area of your room. 

Use Artwork As Motivation 

You have some elements the way you want them, so to complete the look, you can use anything from prints that you find particularly uplifting, original artwork that brings a lighter tone, or you could have framed inspirational quotes to give you the boost you need while working.

15 Bedroom Office Ideas You’ll Fall In Love With

Add Houseplants To Your Space 

Not only do they look great, but they can clean the air in your room which can give you a good boost of energy, so you’re ready to take on whatever work is thrown at you as you can find plants that have rich colors that will improve any space instantly.

Some notable types include Dracaena, peace lilies, philodendron, Bromeliads, and even a cactus if you have enough light coming through the room. Many of these plants can be simple to maintain and water. 

Add A Workstation To Your Closet 

If you have the room and maybe you have a sliding closet for your items, you could convert a section of the closet into a workstation, complete with a desk, so when you’re ready to work, you simply slide the door, and there’s your desk waiting for you.

Use Different Seating 

We’ve mentioned different furniture, but there may be times when you want a break from your bedroom and want the feel of your kitchen or living room area, so you want seating throughout your home that offers you comfort but doesn’t fall into the category of too relaxed space.

Keep it simple, and be sure to implement footrests so you can maintain an ideal sitting position, which can help prevent you from feeling all tensed up wherever you decide to work in your home. 

Try An Essential Oil Diffuser 

You want your bedroom office to be inviting, and that can be difficult in a room where you relax as well. Hence, an oil diffuser is a simple device that circulates a fragranced mist around your room and can help with anxiety, mental focus, depressive symptoms, and menstrual pain. 

You can pick from a variety of scents that range from vanilla, citrus, and even fresh linen fragrances that you can use while working or can help you to unwind after a long working day. 

Storage Space 

Your bedroom is going to have a lot of items that range from non-essential to stuff that you need for your workspace, so utilize storage space that you can place under your bed, in a closet, or even as drawers near your desk, which can limit distractions and are clearly marked so you can access them easier as well.

Use A Pin-Up Or Whiteboards 

Having a board where you may want to pin any notes or to-do items can make your workstation a powerhouse, so you are more organized, and with a whiteboard, you can simply wipe off any items you don’t need, so your work can become a lot easier. 

Make The Most Of Lamps

Whether you have a well-lit room or not, lamps can be ways in which you can direct your attention, so let’s say you’ve finished work and want to move to your relaxing area. 

If so, you can switch off the light around your workspace so you can unwind effectively, and you can do the same with your desk, or you could even invest in an overhead lamp that not only looks stylish but allows you to focus on the task at hand.

Use Fold Up Chairs And Tables 

If you don’t have a lot of space, fold-up chairs and tables can be a great addition and can slot anywhere in your room, and you could even move them to other areas of your home if you want a change of scene.

You can find a range of fold-up tables that can act as desks and even become multi-purpose in case you ever want to host a party, for example, and need the extra table space. 

This convenience can also be helpful if you happen to share your bedroom space with someone else and you want to avoid your bedroom office becoming too cluttered. 

Final Thoughts 

With these ideas, you can create a space that you are comfortable in and can get work done as well, and sometimes simple is best, as there is the risk that a combination of these items is going to be too distracting.

Ultimately, you want to get a good feel for the room and see how some of these ideas change your workspace, as you also want to relax and take your mind off things as you drift off to sleep, and there can be nothing better than an effective workspace. 

Maisie Park